Friday, September 23, 2011

What is a Christians Job?

Yesterday afternoon I jumped in my car and the radio was on from that morning. I started listening to the guy on the other side talk about statistics of Christians. There were five general catagories . It went something like this:

8/10 Christians - told others that they were Christians
7/10 Christians - did not believe in all of the Bible but only parts of it
2/10 Christians - were considered "born again" or saved
1/10 Christians - actually went out and told others who they thought were not saved about Jesus and to accept Him as their Savior

The man speaking was very surprised at these stats. I mean he couldn't believe how many didn't believe that all of Gods word (Bible) was true and that they liked to pick parts out that pleased them. But out of all of this, how many actually went and told others about Jesus.

So this got me Christians know that they have a job? Or do we think that our job is church on Sunday and maybe a Bible study in the middle of the week (if we have time)? 

What this also got me thinking about is how many people go to church on Sundays and actually want to DO something. They want to go out and share the message but they just don't know what to share. I mean where do you go or what do you talk about once you told someone to ask Jesus in their heart? What do you build on after that? Maybe what actually is happening is the pastor or minister is not empowering the church to DO. But guess what, Jesus will! Its actually commanded, did you know that? 

All mankind will be judged on whether we did the LORD Jesus' work! This is a good thing if you are doing it. We are going to take a look at what Jesus requires of His true disciples!