Friday, November 16, 2012

Remission of Sins Timeline

I have been continuing on with the remission of sins study. I found that creating a timeline helped separate how forgiveness of sins was applied. Forgiveness of sins actually is correlated to salvation. Read Luke 1:76-77. John was sent to prepare the Lord Jesus' way before Him. He was going to give His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of sins. So when someone says that they were saved, what it means is that should be the time they had their sins forgiven. What is the process according to the Scriptures on how forgiveness of sins takes place? 

Some say it happened at Jesus' death. He died for our sins. So if this was the case, then when Jesus died on the cross 2,000 years ago, your sins were taken care of then and you no longer are in sin and you were saved when born. 

Some say just by believing in Jesus you are saved. Just like the thief on the cross right? What did he have to do to be saved? 

This is why I needed a timeline. Is the process of God's salvation different before and after the death of His son?